What are the ULEZ and Euro 6, and what we are doing about it?

The Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) is nearly here and you may have seen signs on the approaches to London about it but not been quite sure what it’s all about and whether or not it affects you. This month’s article breaks it all down into bite-sized chunks to help you and sets out what you may need to do if you are affected.

What is the ULEZ?

The ULEZ is an initiative brought forward by the Mayor of London and managed by Transport for London to reduce polluting emissions from vehicles and improve air quality. It is due to come into force on the 8th April 2019 and will apply to all vehicles – cars, motorcycles, vans, etc. – unless they comply with the latest emissions standards. During the first phase, it will cover the same area as the Congestion Charging Zone, and from October 2021 onwards it will be extended up to the North and South Circular Roads. It will apply all day, 365 days a year, without exception.

What will it cost?

Currently, vehicles entering central London are subject to a Toxicity Charge, a Congestion Charge, and Low Emission Zone (LEZ) charge, where applicable. The Toxicity Charge will be replaced by the ULEZ, which is to be paid in addition to the Congestion and LEZ charges. The cost of entering the ULEZ area for a single day will vary depending on the type of vehicle you are driving with a minimum charge of £12.50 for a private vehicle.

What are the emissions criteria?

If your vehicle was registered any time after September 2016 (in other words it has a 66 plate or later) then it is compliant. If you are unsure you can check whether or not you are compliant using your registration number on the Transport for London’s vehicle checker tool.

For vans, the required standard is the Euro 6. This is a European Union directive standard designed to reduce harmful pollutants, including nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (including THC and NMHC), and particulate matter – something that is a particular problem with diesel cars which emit soot. The Euro 6 standards that apply are different for petrol and diesel vehicles to address the different types of pollutants, and the quantities, that they emit.

What is CVS doing?

At CVS Van Hire we are staying ahead of the curve by updating our fleet to ensure that all our vans, both for rent and sale, comply with the Euro 6 standard. We are also updating our booking system so that customers don’t have to worry about paying the ULEZ fee on top of the Congestion Charge if they are planning to enter central London.

For more information on staying compliant when renting or buying a van, or to find the right van for your needs, talk to our team at CVS Van Hire. All you need to do is to give us a call on 020 8003 2785 and we can answer all your questions and help you find the right van, whatever you need it for.

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