Refrigerated van hire solutions for businesses adapting to Covid-19 consumer demands

Recent events have seen delivery services thrive.  Food delivery has witnessed a surge in sales as consumers abide by the ‘stay at home’ rules outlined by government, relying on takeaway and shopping deliveries rather than brave the supermarket.  We are seeing local service businesses creatively thinking outside the box and adapting their day to day operations in order to try and meet customer demands and keep their businesses afloat ready for the bounce back.  Maybe you are a restaurant that is now offering a new delivery service or a convenience store delivering goods locally to those that cannot go out?  With this in mind, you may find that you need a temporary refrigerated van solution to aid you in your efforts.

In accordance with government recommendations CVS Van Hire are still opening and trading as normal.  This is due to our ability to serve the transportation, food transportation industries and other services of essential goods in this time of pressure.  We have a wide range of vehicles available including our refrigerated vans – all of which are cleaned and sanitised after each customer.

Types of refrigerated vans for hire

All of our vehicles are capable of achieving temperatures of roughly minus 15 degrees and they are all equipped with overnight standby facilities and cables so you can plug these vehicles in and keep your goods cool overnight.  We have a wide range of sizes available:

Our first group of chiller vans are around the same size as a short wheelbase transit van and would be perfect for transporting smaller deliveries of food.  We’ve had a lot of off-licences and butchers hire these vans from us recently.

For transporting larger supplies of food, you would be better to choose either our second or third class of refrigerated vans.  Our second class (group two) refrigerated vans are around the same dimensions as a long wheelbase transit van.  Our third-class vans are our largest refrigerated vans offering a vast amount of refrigerated space. They are a full one metre longer than our group two van.  They offer a four metre load area!  These have been particularly sought after by farmers, supermarkets and wholesalers (of frozen foods) of late.

CVS Van Hire during Covid-19

The well-being of our customers and staff is our highest priority and we would like to reassure customers that we are adhering to the advice provided by the UK government and the World Health Organisation. All our employees are undertaking strict health and safety measures to ensure the highest possible health and safety standards are maintained throughout all aspects of our daily work.  In addition to practicing preventative measures to reduce the spread of germs within our facilities, all our vehicles go through a rigorous, multi-step cleaning process for each rental including all of our keys.

You will now be aware that MOTs due after 30/3/20 have been delayed by 6 months.  However, you are still required to ensure your vehicle is safe, and MOTs can still be carried out if you wish. Here at CVS we are able to carry out MOTs, servicing, and perform any repair work you need on your van.

If you know anyone in the transport industry or supermarket/food industry that needs a bit of extra help with their transport solutions please get in touch with us via our online contact form or call us on 0208 808 7236.

Stay safe.

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