Simple moving home reminders

The last-minute stress and panic of moving home should never override your excitement and all-round sense of achievement. Here are a few simple reminders for you to think about whilst beginning to pack up your belongings, allowing you to ease the worry and make the most of this milestone event in your life.


Packing is often one of the main stresses associated with moving home. The questions of ‘When shall I start?’, ‘What will I need?’ or ‘How will I pack this safely?’ fly around the heads of those relocating, daily.

Saving those boxes, newspapers, and other materials to help you wrap and pack your belongings safely will save you those all-important extra pennies during this time.

It is never too soon to start the packing up process. Start by identifying what you rely upon using daily and then start packing your non-essentials into boxes separated by the rooms of the house. For example, clean bedding into a ‘bedroom’ box, sofa cushions and throws into a ‘lounge’ box and so on.

Whilst separating your essentials and non-essentials, you will probably come across some items which you are unsure about keeping. Be firm with yourself. When moving to a new house, it is common for homeowners to buy new utensils, ornaments or storage. So, if you are debating about whether you really need that candle holder, go ahead and place it in the ‘no’ pile as you will likely treat yourself to a brand new one that you at a later date.

Who to notify?

There are a few people who you should think of contacting to inform them of your new address. As well as your nearest and dearest, you will need to consider:

  • Your bank. They will need to update the address on system for your debit and credit cards. You may also gain additional benefits through your bank, such as insurance, which would need to update your address to remain valid.
  • DVLA. You will need to inform them of your new address once you have moved. They will need to update the details of any provisional/drivers’ licences and vehicle registrations involved in the move. Be sure not to give them this address until you have moved as you may need to use your licence as a form of ID beforehand, for instances such as hiring a moving van.
  • Your insurers. Any insurers which you are registered with, from life, to car to pet insurance, will need to be aware of your change of address. Arrange this before the move as you will be able to find out what additional insurance you may need to take out during the relocation phase.
  • Your memberships. Anything which you have signed up for and receive a regular delivery of, such as magazine or box subscriptions, will need to be aware of your new address after the move to ensure that you still receive the items you have paid for.
  • Healthcare. If you have relocated to a new area, make registering at your new local doctors’ surgery one of your top priorities. Make sure that you also de-register from your old practice. If you are remaining in the area, ensure that you current doctors, as well as dentist, opticians or other healthcare specialists which you visit, are aware of the change of address and landline number so that they are able to continue contacting you via post and phone call. Also consider any healthcare for pets, such as updating the address on your pet’s microchip.
  • Work and education. It is important that each person involved in the move informs their HR department if they work so that they can update your address as well as inform the tax office. If you have children who attend school, they will also need to be notified so that they are able to update all emergency contacts accordingly.

Mail and phone redirecting

The Post Office have a system in place where they redirect any mail to your new address. With the ability to take affect within 5-10 days, this can be one of the last things to action. You can opt to use this service for thee, six or twelve months. If you are also planning to change your home phone number, it will be worth contacting your telephone company after the move as they may be able to divert calls to your new landline or inform callers of your new number via an automated voicing system.


Initially, people think about the use of a removal company to transport their belongings to the new property. Although they take some pressure off your own shoulders (literally), they work out to be one of the more expensive options. If you are willing to pack and unload your household items yourself, hiring a van alone would allow you to cut down on those larger costs. Explore your options and contact a van hire company, who will offer you fair and honest advice, allowing you to find the best suited van for your removal process and to avoid you having to make numerous trips back and forth between properties.

On the day of the move, ensure that you pack a box of essential items that will be needed almost instantly when closing the front door of your new home. Items such as your kettle, a box of tea bags and a small amount of crockery could allow you that highly anticipated cup of tea.

If you are looking to rent a van for your move, get in touch with our friendly team at CVS Van Hire where we will be happy to answer any questions that you may have. Contact us on 020 8003 1184 for an informal chat and to get the ball rolling on your relocation.

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