Christmas time: A Luton Van demand

Each year, once the festive season is upon us, the demand rises for one of our most requested vans. Alongside our refrigerated vehicles which are ideal for catering parties of a large size, Christmas can be our Luton vans time to shine. This year has been a little different and is looking as though it will continue to stay this way for the rest of 2020, and so with less catering requirements needed for office Christmas parties, new year’s celebrations or the famous Christmas dinner usually served down at your local, the demand for Luton vans is creeping up higher than ever.

So, what is a Luton van? These vehicles are easily identifiable on the roads due to their extended body which sits over the drivers cabin, allowing the van to withhold additional storage space, so it is no surprise that these vehicles are on a high demand at the time of year where furniture, decorations and large gifts are required! Let’s take a look at the benefits of a Luton van to see if they may be right for you this festive season.

Tail lift

When transporting large, heavy goods, such as a table set or two for a festive dinner, or a decorative Christmas tree, a tail lift is able to come in most handy! As well as lifting and lowering your goods for you on a sturdy lift, it will also limit the amount of people required to transport your items.

The over-cabin storage

The Luton van does in fact get its name from the over-cabin storage space, so it is no wonder that they have been able to create such an impact for removals and party set ups! This area allows you to fit additional goods within the van, or to simply organize your load more efficiently, separating items out between the back of the van and the over-cabin storage!


The body of a Luton van is one step larger than a transit, making them highly popular for home removals or set-up of special occasions. This, combined with the easily utilised tail lift, creates a van which can load, store and unload a larger amount of goods within one single trip.

Cost effective for business use

Whether you are just starting out with your business, or if you are trying to cut back on your costs after a very unpredictable year, a company vehicle may not fit within your budget. Hiring a van for long-term use will allow you to save on those additional coins, ensuring that they are able to be put towards something of a good use for your company. By opting for the hire of a Luton van, you will be able to cater for whatever comes into your company’s pathway with an assisting tail lift and the further storage space.

If you are keen on finding out more about our Luton van hire service, or if you require any further information on any of our CVS Van Hire vehicles, get in touch with us by calling 020 8003 1184 and we will be happy to help.

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