Can I appeal a fixed penalty notice?

Penalty notices and charges are something that we get asked about a lot. This is why we have covered the ways in which you can appeal unfair tickets if you feel that getting one was wrong or unfair.

For a quick reminder, here is our recent article on what to do if you have received a parking charge on private land as well as our earlier one on unfair parking tickets. This month, in the last of this series of articles, we shift our focus slightly to fixed penalty notices, what they are, and what your options are should you receive one.

What is a fixed penalty notice?

Fixed penalty notices are issued for a wide variety of motoring offences, including speeding, failure to wear a seatbelt, using a mobile phone while driving, driving without insurance, and a number of other offences related to driving. For a full list, have a look at the RAC’s website.

There are two types of fixed penalty notice:

  • Non-endorsable offences. This means that you only get a ticket.
  • Endorsable offences. This carries points on your licence as well; typically, it is three points although, depending on the offence, it can carry a greater number.

Who issues fixed penalty notices?

Depending on the offence, they are issued by the Police, local councils, or the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA). It is worth noting that you can receive more than one fixed penalty notice – for example, if you are fined for illegal parking and it is found that you are also driving an uninsured car.

Can I appeal a fixed penalty notice?

There is no formal process for appealing such a notice. Your only alternative is taking the matter to court which could end up being a much costlier process as you risk receiving an even greater fine by the courts. If this is the route you wish to take you should consult a solicitor or your local Citizens Advice Bureau.

If your offence was related to speeding, you may be offered the option of taking a speed awareness course. This option will be available only if it is your first speeding offence or you have not attended such a course in the last three years.

How to pay

This will depend on what the offence was for in the first place and who issued it. There will be details on the reverse of the ticket itself, but you can also go on to the website to make a payment. You typically have 28 days from the date of issue. If you accept the fine but fail to make a payment the next step is for it to be registered with the court which will also lead to an increase of 50% to the amount you have to pay. If you still do not pay a warrant may be issued for your arrest.

Don’t forget that fines and charges are still applicable if you are driving a hired vehicle.

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